Mandy Amanda Team Building for Entrepreneurs | Get organized, grow your team | Enjoy Success
Team Building for Entrepreneurs | Get organized, grow your team | Enjoy Success


I’m Mandy, getting organized is my superpower and successful teams are my spirit animal!

I have met SOOOO many entrepreneurs who are overwhelmed with their own success. These are amazing people creating ripples and waves in the world who do not have time to relax or enjoy any of it! Why? Because they are completely at a loss for how to bring together a team to support them. They WANT to give up some of the work but have NO IDEA how to transfer their knowledge and ideas, how to keep their team cohesive, how to trust things will get done, and how to cope when they don’t. These amazing entrepreneurs are destined for…


It breaks my heart because watching people create a team to support a business or a goal makes my heart happy – being part of the process makes my heart SING!

If you are an overworked entrepreneur, I want “being a boss” to make your life easier!

With over 25 years in workplace process improvement and training, I have worked with hundreds of businesses and teams with team members all around the world.

My passion is finding the balance between people and process and I love to support small businesses that need to quickly and easily engage people to create an environment of success.

If you are a small business owner and want to build a team in the current digital landscape, you need to put the right foot forward. I promise, it isn’t hard as long as you follow these five basic steps:

  1. Communicate Your Purpose
  2. Establish Systems
  3. Get the Right Team Member
  4. Integrate Your Team
  5. Maintain a Community

Want it to be easier? Grab the guide to get started and we will add your name to the waitlist for the next FREE 5 day TLC eBoss challenge!