Mandy Amanda Team Building for Entrepreneurs | Get organized, grow your team | Enjoy Success
Team Building for Entrepreneurs | Get organized, grow your team | Enjoy Success

I am…

I am not an expert, I am an explorer.
I am a curious mind.

Don’t hear that wrong – there are some things I am REALLY good at.  I just recognize that I always have room to learn more.  Add to that – things are always changing. And that I love to learn.

When I share, I share what I have learned.  I share so that you can go one step beyond where I am, or two, or more.  I share so that others will share with me.  I am no expert.

For fun, three things I am good at:

  • Stone Soup (making dinner when it appears there is nothing in the kitchen)
  • Organizing things (figuring out how whatever might work better if it were rearranged)
  • Sharing (I live my life “out loud” – there are very few surprises here 😉 )

Give yourself credit, what are you “better than average” at?  What can we learn from you?

Because #Someday

I started this site because #someday.  Someday I’ll want a place where my words live so I can share them with others. […]

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